Best Time to Visit Cambodia

Best Time to Visit Cambodia: Weather, Tips & Seasons

Best Time to Visit Cambodia

Best Time to Visit Cambodia: Weather, Tips & Seasons

Best Time to Visit Cambodia

Best Time to Visit Cambodia: Weather, Tips & Seasons

Best Time to Visit Cambodia

Best Time to Visit Cambodia: Weather, Tips & Seasons

Best Time to Visit Cambodia

Best Time to Visit Cambodia: Weather, Tips & Seasons


17 Jul 2024

No matter where you travel, timing is everything, especially in a tropical paradise like Cambodia. This Southeast Asian jewel is a real charm for travellers and offers the perfect fusion of culture, nature and adventure.

Now, you might be wondering, “When’s the best time of year to visit Cambodia?” Well, fellow travellers, that is the question we are answering today.

Cambodia's climate is made up of two seasons each with its own unique charm and characteristics that cater to people with all sorts of preferences. So, Cambodia's climate can play a huge part in the quality of your visit — which is why it's important to know the ideal time to visit.

Knowing when to visit is more than dodging the heavy rain or the scorching sun, it's about ensuring you experience Cambodia at its most splendid.

Grab your calendar and read on to find the best time to visit Cambodia in all its glory.

When is the Best Time of Year to Visit Cambodia?

We believe that the best time to visit Cambodia is during the cool, dry season from November to April. This period offers perfect weather for exploring sites like Angkor Wat without melting in the heat.

April to June cranks up the heat but brings vibrant festivals like the New Year’s celebrations.

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The wet and rainy season in Cambodia from July to September turns the landscape lush and green. This is the season for budget-conscious travellers who don’t mind a bit of rain.

October to December sees a return to dry, pleasant weather, making the country ideal for beach trips and countryside adventures. So, whether you fancy temples, festivals, or lush landscapes, Cambodia’s got a season for you.

Cambodia's Seasons and Weather Patterns

Fretting over when to visit while planning a trip to Cambodia is a more common issue than you might think.

You already know that Cambodia's climate consists of two seasons. So, let's dive a bit deeper and see what each season offers and how they can impact your travel experience.

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Dry season, from November to April, is your go-to if you're after clear skies and bearable heat. Think of it as Cambodia’s version of a summer holiday with pleasant weather with a bit of humidity.

It’s perfect for exploring the temples of Angkor Wat, sunbathing on the beaches of Sihanoukville, or cruising down the Mekong without the threat of sudden downpours.


But don’t write off the wet season, May to October, too quickly.

Yes, it’s a bit rainy, but the wet season also comes with many perks. The rains breathe life into Cambodia, transforming the landscape into a lush, green wonderland.

Plus, it’s the off-peak season— meaning fewer tourists and lower prices, perfect for budget-savvy travellers.

So, in short, the best time to visit Cambodia depends on what you’re after and how much you want to spend. The dry season is for the classic tourist experience, and the wet season is for the adventurous and thrifty.

Month-by-Month Guide to Visiting Cambodia

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Planning a trip to Cambodia and can't decide which months are the best? Worry not as we are here for you with a month-by-month guide through this beautiful country, where each month offers a unique experience.

January to March

The cool and dry peak tourist season is ideal for those who prefer sightseeing without breaking a sweat. Popular temples are best explored during these months, as the weather is pleasant and the skies are clear — making it perfect for capturing those Instagram-worthy shots.

Plus, you’ll avoid the crowds that swarm later in the year, ensuring a more serene and spiritual experience.

April to June

This is the time Cambodia's weather starts to heat up, and you might get the odd shower, but it's festival season, so who cares?

Songkran, the Cambodian New Year in April, is an absolute must-see. Expect water fights, traditional dances, and a whole lot of fun.

This period is also perfect for diving into local culture, as numerous festivals and events take place. Just remember to stay hydrated and embrace the occasional rain as a welcome refreshment.

July to September

Welcome to the wet season, where landscapes turn into green paradises. Sure, there’s rain, but that in itself can be quite a unique experience.

This season is a dream for budget travellers and backpackers, with fewer tourists and lower prices.

The countryside is at its most beautiful, and the waterfalls are in full flow. Moreover, there’s nothing quite like a good rainstorm to add a touch of drama to your travels, which is common during this time of the year.

October to December

During this time, the weather in Cambodia starts the transition back to the dry season and becomes pleasantly mild, making it an ideal time for exploring. This is perfect for those who want to experience both the cultural richness of the cities and the laid-back vibes of the beaches.

This is also the best time to experience Sihanoukville and the nearby islands for stunning beach vacations without the scorching heat. It’s the sweet spot for enjoying the best of both worlds.

Whether you’re a temple-hopping history buff, a festival-loving culture vulture, a budget-conscious backpacker, or a beach bum, Cambodia has something for everyone —all year round.

Cambodia Best Time to Visit for Various Destinations

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The changes that happen to Country's weather, month by month, affect the quality of the experience of most popular destinations.

So, here are the best times to visit Cambodia according to some of the popular destinations.

  • Angkor Wat, Siem Reap: November to March for clear skies and cooler temperature

  • Phnom Penh: November to March for comfortable sightseeing weather

  • Sihanoukville and Islands: October to March for sunny beach days and calm seas.

  • Battambang: November to March for pleasant weather and the circus.

  • Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri: November to March for trekking in the cooler, dry season.

  • Kampot and Kep: November to March for exploring pepper plantations and the coast.

Exploring all these places can be exciting. But if you are interested in making things even more unique, all you need is a Cambodian Tuk-Tuk adventure from Large Minority.

Ride Now

This is a self-driven adventure available in both January and November. The adventure starts in Siem Reap and takes you through some amazing parts of Cambodia before finishing the adventure in Phnom Penh.

Below are a few checkpoints along the way,

  • Beng Mealea

  • Preah Vihear

  • Preah Rumkel

  • Kratie

  • Kampong Cham

What do you think? Like to learn more about our Cambodian Tuk-Tuk adventure?

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Tips for Planning Your Trip

Here are the top tips to help you plan your Cambodian adventure to ensure the best results and positive memories.

Time to visit

As we mentioned, the best time to visit Cambodia depends on what your plans are. For temple-hopping, aim for November to March when it’s cool and dry. Festival fans should head out in April for the New Year celebrations, while July to September offers lush landscapes and great deals for budget travellers.

Packing Essentials

In the dry season, pack lightweight clothing, sunscreen, and a hat. For the Cambodia rainy season, don’t forget a waterproof jacket and sturdy sandals. Year-round, remember insect repellent and a reusable water bottle as staying healthy and hydrated is important.

Health Precautions

Stick to bottled water, avoid ice in drinks, and sample street food with caution. A basic first aid kit with diarrhea remedies and rehydration salts can be a lifesaver. Also, don’t forget travel insurance.

Travel Advice

If you are planning on staying in luxury resorts and hotels, it's wise to make early reservations. Keep the conversations with strangers to a minimum, especially the over-eager types. Apps like PASSAP and Grab are great ways to find rides.

Note: If possible, avoid travelling alone at night.

Follow these simple tips and you will have a great time on your holiday in Cambodia. If you opt in for a Tuk-Tuk adventure with us, we will handle all of the logistics that include, accommodation, fun daily challenges, well-planned routes and create a safe way for you to travel and explore the country.

Why Travel with a Large Minority?

When you travel with us, we guarantee your journey will be anything but ordinary! We craft personalised experiences with expert guides who know the best spots and local secrets. Our ethical travel practices ensure you see the world while giving back to the communities you visit.

What we specialise in is providing our clients with unique adventures. If you are ready for something new, we got you covered.

Are you interested in our Cambodian Tuk-Tuk adventure? Then, waste no time and get those flights booked to secure the best spots in the country. If you want to know more about our packages, you can find them here. Let your next adventure begin with Large Minority Travel.

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